MS in Nursing
Wuhan University
Xiong Peng received his bachelor degree in medicine from Hubei University of Medicine in 2010 and Master of Science in nursing from Wuhan University in 2014. He has worked for three years as a health care specialist. His research is focused on the intersection of mental health, clinical epidemiology, and global public health. He plans to develop interventions to reduce the burden of mental disorders among medical patients in China.
Representative publications and presentations
- Xiong, P., Zhang, J., Wang, X., Wu, T. L., & Hall, B. J. (in press). Effects of a mixed media education intervention program on increasing knowledge, attitude and compliance with Standard Precautions among nursing students: A randomized controlled trial. American journal of Infection Control. Impact Factor: 1.995
- Xiong, P., Hu, S. X. X., & Hall, B. J. (2016). Violence against nurses in China undermines task-shifting implementation. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(6), 501. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(16)
30046-3 Impact factor: 5.76 - Xiong, P., Wu, T. L., & Hall, B. J. (July, 2016). mHealth Interventions are promising for increasing medication adherence among people with serious mental illness: Results from a systematic review. Paper accepted for presentation at the 31st Annual International Congress of Psychology, Diversity in Harmony: Insights from Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
- Xiong, P., Wu, T. L., & Hall, B. J. (January, 2016). Nursing students compliance with standard precautions: Effectiveness of an intervention program. Poster presented at the BeHealth Conference, Hong Kong (SAR), People’s Republic of China.
Xiong, P., Zhang, J., Wang, X., Wu, T. L., & Hall, B. J. (December, 2016). A randomized controlled trial of a mixed media education intervention program to increase knowledge, attitude and compliance with standard precautions. Paper accepted for presentation at the 3rd Cross-straits and Hong Kong, Macau Nursing Conference, Macau (SAR), People’s Republic of China.
Xiong, P., Hall, B. J., Chen, W., & Ling, L. (October, 2016). Association between sleep sources and depressive symptoms among Chinese migrants in Guangzhou, China: a representative population-based study. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Chinese Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CCUGH), Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan, China.
Xiong, P., Ng, O., Ho, P., Mendoza, N. B., Chan, W., Wu, T. L. & Hall, B. J. (September, 2016). Identifying social factors that correlate with sleep quality among Filipino domestic workers in Macau: a preliminary analysis. Paper accepted for presentation at the 53rd Annual Convention of the Psychological Association of the Philippines, Clark, Pampanga.
- Shi, W., Xiong, P., Mendoza, N. B., Chan, E. W. W., Lao, K., Pangan, C. A. C., Huang, L., & Hall, B. J. (2017, July). Factors related to the intention to use eMental Health among female Filipino domestic workers in Macau. Poster accepted for presentation at the STAR conference 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Guo, X., Chou, U. I., Sou, K., Xiong, P., Shen, Z., & Hall, B. J. (n.d.). The influence of a low-intensity mindfulness intervention on university students’ depression, stress, and anxiety. Poster accepted for presentation at the STAR conference 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Chou, U. I., Guo X., Sou, K. L., Xiong, P., Shen, Z. Z., Hall, B. J. (2017, July). A mobile health reminder enhanced mindfulness intervention adherence in university setting. Poster accepted for presentation at the STAR conference 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Chan, E. W. W., Pangan, C. A., Lao, K., Huang, L., Mendoza, N. B., Xiong, P., & Hall, B. J. (July 2017). Implementation challenges in conducting participatory mixed-method research on migrant domestic workers. Poster accepted for presentation at the STAR conference 2017, Hong Kong SAR, China.