Our latest research showed that 5.1% of students overall, and 6.8% of Macao -born students were likely to have PTSD one month following Typhoon Hato . Social media usage played a key role in increasing the odds of PTSD within this population. The paper was co-authored GCMH undergraduates Yang Xiong, Paul Yip, Chao Lao, and, PhD student Wei Shi. Check it out here!
Hall, B. J., *Xiong, Y., *Yip, P. S. Y., *Lao, C., *Shi, W., Sou, E. K. L., Chang, K., Wang, L., & Lam, A.I.F (2019). The association between disaster exposure and media use on posttraumatic stress disorder following Typhoon Hato in Macao, China. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10:1, 1558709.IF: 4.209. WOS: Q1 (20/121)
New Published Research: Typhoon Hato PTSD